国際カップルの喧嘩について What does a Japanese and American couple fight about? International couple fight

国際カップルの喧嘩について What does a Japanese and American couple fight about? International couple fight


Ryoji and I took 14 minutes to tell you about some of our most common fights! Every couple fights, even when you are from the same country, but when you mix together two different cultures in a relationship, it makes things very interesting and a bit complicated. A lot of our fights are cultural, but some of them are just our different personalities. Even though we fight, I love Ryoji and wouldn’t trade him for the world! He can get under my skin sometimes but my life is happier with him in it. 😘
We hope you enjoy our video! Check out our instagram and please subscribe to our YouTube channel. 😊

Annah’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redhair.greenmind/ 👩🏻‍🦰
Ryoji’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryoji_0126/ 🧑🏾‍🦱
#国際カップル #アメリカ生活 #喧嘩
