日本で受けたカルチャーショック!【国際カップル】My Japanese Experiences and Culture Shocks. [International Couple]

日本で受けたカルチャーショック!【国際カップル】My Japanese Experiences and Culture Shocks. [International Couple]



Welcome back! In this video I talk about my time spent in Japan, and things that stuck out to me about how different Japan and America are. Japan is a lot more rigid and rule driven than the U.S. There were countless times over the 3 years that I noticed things that would happen in Japan that would never happen in the U.S. We talk about post office visits where I had to count my panties in front of the staff, strict lifeguards in Okinawa, and beauty standards in Japan verses America. Do you have one or two eyelids? 🤔

Every day Ryoji and I are learning how to live and mesh our cultures together. We are choosing and taking what’s best from both cultures and making it our own! Thanks so much for watching and if you haven’t yet please subscribe to our channel! 😊

#国際カップル #カルチャーショック
